Regulatory Consulting specialises in providing all services to fulfil the internal control activities of banking and financial intermediaries and pension funds required by sector regulations, in addition to those of commercial and industrial enterprises that have been introduced on a voluntary basis, such as:

  • Compliance
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
  • Risk Management
  • Internal Audit
  • Model 231 Supervisory Body

Regulatory Consulting provides ongoing outsourced verification services to clients in connection with the Internal Audit, Compliance, Risk Management and Anti-Money Laundering functions. In more complex contexts, Regulatory Consulting offers support to internal functions through partial outsourcing (co-sourcing) or sub-outsourcing.

Finally, in addition to carrying out audit and control activities on behalf of the Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231, Regulatory Consulting’s representatives may be appointed members of the same body.